FDI Formación

About the company

The Foundation for Development and Innovation in Valencia (IDF) was created in 1998 by the regional administration in collaboration with FORD SA with the only aim of promoting scientific, technical and cultural development for the society. In mid 2001, the Training Foundation was created, with the aim to alleviate the existing training shortcoming in the automotive sector and thus contribute to consolidating the automotive industry and its suppliers. In this time, the initial target has been extended to other knowledge areas and other productive sectors. IDF has the appropriate facilities and specialized professionals in different areas. The Foundation’s Training Area is located in the FORD SPAIN Training Center building.

Technology / Know hoy

The IDF, in its training area, uses in every moment the most appropriate teacher based on its experience and knowledge. Thus the teaching team comes both from industrial and consulting companies, as independent experts and staff from the universities of Valencia. When it is required, we bring experts wherever they are, providing simultaneous translation materials in spanish. Our teaching team, moves to the head offices of the companies, where these are located.

Industry related associates

Quick Release

Calle Turia, 53, 46008 Valencia (Valencia)

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Valencia Módulos de Puerta

Carrer Molí Panyeros, 2, 46440 Almussafes (Valencia)

Tel: +34 96 179 70 58

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Universitat Jaume I de Castelló

Av. Vicent Sos Baynat, s/n 12071 Castelló de la Plana

Tel: +34 964 72 80 00

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Universitat Politècnica de València

Camino de Vera, s/n. 46022 (Valencia)

Tel: +34 96 387 70 00

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