Dymsa Ingeniería

About the company

Dymsa Ingeniería’s main activity is industrial automotive. He began working in the automotive sector, being this the one that provided the base and gave the experience in the application of the different automation technologies, which has allowed the firm to carry out innovative and complex solutions in other sectors such as the Electric , Food and Renewable Energies.

Products / Services

Electrical Engineering, Automation, Industrial Robotics Applications, Traceability, Special Machines and Artificial Vision Control.

Technology / Know hoy

The reliability of Dymsa Ingeniería is to improve production, reduce costs and increase the quality of products using new technologies, for this they have staff with extensive experience in the automation sector, who are committed to their work and who identifies with customer needs.


Autoliv BKI. Johnson Controls. Faurecia. Sebos Levantinos. AIDO. Insonorizantes Pelzer. Agfra. Somilar. Biocom Energía. Válvulas Arco.

Industry related associates

Quick Release

Calle Turia, 53, 46008 Valencia (Valencia)

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Valencia Módulos de Puerta

Carrer Molí Panyeros, 2, 46440 Almussafes (Valencia)

Tel: +34 96 179 70 58

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Universitat Jaume I de Castelló

Av. Vicent Sos Baynat, s/n 12071 Castelló de la Plana

Tel: +34 964 72 80 00

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Universitat Politècnica de València

Camino de Vera, s/n. 46022 (Valencia)

Tel: +34 96 387 70 00

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